Simon Templar
JoinedTopics Started by Simon Templar
I Think I have Found a Way to Litigate
by Simon Templar ini have been thinking about how the wtb&t society bullies all of its members into submission with the threats they use (by practice), i.e.
“if you do this we will df you and you will be shunned”.
“if you da yourself, we will make an announcement and your friends, relatives and family will abandon you”, etc.
Elder's remark about contributions not being made
by Simon Templar ini am still in and was assigned to collect the contribution after the meeting.
i checked the boxes with another brother and there was nothing inside.
no contributions were made that day.
Use of Tablets During Meeting
by Simon Templar inas i seem to remember, in april 2010 i bought one of the first ipads.
i saw the virtue of using it immediately.
it was wifi.
One Person Baptized at Circuit Assembly
by Simon Templar ini went to the circuit assembly with my wife yesterday.
i have to keep peace in the family.
there were less than 1,000 people for both the morning and the afternoon sessions.
Talk on "Reaching Out"-Only What BOE Thinks Matters
by Simon Templar infor the “living as christians” section of the workbook, “are you reaching out?” talk (15 min), the bethelite gave this talk at the meeting.
he totally departed from the subject matter which is the watchtower of september 15, 2014, pages 3-6. he was so far off the reservation, it wasn't funny.
here are a few highlights of what was said: 1) if any brother asked why they haven’t been appointed, and wants to know if there is a problem or condition that exists, that brother is too “presumptuous” and therefore, can’t be used.
Elder Mentioning an "Apostate Problem"
by Simon Templar ini bumped into a sister that i have known for at least 40 years or so.
we were catching up.
she and her husband have been in the truth for decades.
A Sister Stops the CO's Bullying
by Simon Templar inwe had the co a few weeks ago.
i waited a few weeks for time to pass to post.
we now have a new co. he started in september and his first visit to our congo was a little while ago.
Can an inactive family member hold back a MS appointment?
by Simon Templar ina friend asked me if a man can be appointed a ms if he has an inactive (inactive for 15-20 years) baptized adult child living in his home.
the child lives by the rules and doesn't do anything wrong (jw-wise), as i am told.
i know the child (adult) and is a good kid as far as i know.
Too Much Discontent in the Congregation Part 3
by Simon Templar innow, 80-85 years later, we are still here.
if i was to do the counsel with a brother who had this much experience, i would have just thanked him for doing the talk, and marked him good on the point.
this is a good way to get money though.
Too Much Discontent in the Congregation Part 2
by Simon Templar inhere is part 2..
so you will have some understanding of the boe i will reference in future posts, the following is who they are:.
the coordinator.